Tag yang leh nyebabkan Carpal Tunnel Syndrom (giler panjang)
birthday : 28 June 1984 (sile ingat...nanti leh kasik adiah...eheee)
birthplace : Spital Beso Kolumpo
current location : Kuantan
eye colour : Hitam tak hitam...coklat tak coklat...
hair colour : Black...asli okehh...tak yah karat2 neh...
heigth : 167cm kott...
right/left handed : right..
your heritage : heritage pe jadah lak nehh...neh kene tanye nenek moyang aku neh...
the shoes you wore today : Sembonia (black)....pemberian kekande Coach i...ngeee...
your weakness : easy to cry...
your fears : lipasssssssssss....
your perfect pizza : Pizza hutttttttttt....
goal you would like to achive this year : ermmmm...what arrrr....??
your most overused phrase on an instant messenger : overused tak de kot...aku suke tukar2 status msg aku tu...
thoughts first waking up : sedapnye bau bantal aku nehhhh....
your best physical feature : ape yang Tuhan kurniakan kat aku adelah yang terbaekkkk...
your bedtime : klau tak gi memane...kol 10 aku da tido...
your most missed memory : zaman2 nakal dulu...
pepsi or coke : pepsi...
mcdonald or burger kings : mc d...
single or group dates : single..
lipton ice tea or Nestea : Liptonnnnn...
chocolate or vanilla : chocolate...so so...
cappucino or coffee : cappucino
do you smoke : tak kuase aku nak rosakkan paru2 aku nehh...
do you swear : Saya bersumpah untuk taat setia kepada negara..bla..bla..bla...
do you sing : of courseeeeeeeeeee...
do you shower daily : abes tu...leh gile klau tak mandi weh...
have you been in love : sure.
do you want to go to college : yezzaaa...aku penah potong slipa senior aku mase kat hostel dulu...kerek tak tentu pasai...bajet besh...
do you want to get married : org giler pon nak kawen tauuuu....
do you believe in yourself : i believe i can flyyyyy....(giler pe)
do you get motion sickness : nope.
do you think you are attractive : boleh arrrrrrr...
are you a health freak : heee...mintak simpanggg...!!
do you get along with your parents : they're everything for me
do you like thunderstorm : like?? ape nye soklan...takot arrr...
do you play an instrument : mase skolah rendah...
in the past month have you drank alcohol : tak sentuh okehhh...
in the past month have you gone on a date : yup...
in the past month have you gone to a mall : mustiiiiiiii....
in the past month have you eaten a box of oreos : nope...
in the past month have you eaten sushi : nope..
in the past month have you been on stage : bebaru neh ade lew...
in the past month have you been dumped : nope...
in the past month have you gone skinny dipping : gile ke pe...!! tak penah aku wat...
in the past month have you stolen anything : huisshhh..tak baek woooo....
ever been called a tease: ade laaa...
ever been beaten up : zaman budak dulu...
ever shoplifted : never...
how do you want to die : malang tidak berbau...so...tak tau la nak cakap kann...
what do you want to be when you grow up : better than today...
what country would you most like to visit : Paris
favourite eye colour : yang cam aku....hahahah...
favourite hair colour : yang cam aku gak...itam...hehehe...
short or long hair : long...
best clothing style : simple but nice to look...
number of drugs i have taken : ntoh lewww...
number of CD's i own : 1 2 je kottt...
number of piercing : 2...tinge kanan 1...tinge kiri 1...
number of tattoos : tak sokaaaa...
number of things in my past i regret : baranggggg yang lepasss...hai jangan dikenanggg...
this tag goes to : u ollsss yang rajen nak wat....
Malam Anugerah Sukan 2009

Grand Final KOSMO! Varsiti Futsal @ UKM Bangi

Pertandingan Betis Sape Paling Keding...
Budak2 neh bile da kalah mmg jadik cam neh...ish..ish..ish...
"Encik kerol...meh pegang tangan saye...jom kite blah..." kate Bullet kepade Encik Kerol...

nak tangkop gambo cam neh jek bapak payah...bape kali jatoh bola tu...kunun2 freestyle ar tu kann...hak tuihh...
Jamuan Raya Shahputra
Smalam (19 Oktober 2009) kolej wat jamuan raya....well...what can i say...majlis agak meriah.... even wat kat lobi kolej jekk...tapi ramai yang datang....
Aku ngan abg osman menyampaikan lagu Mawarku....abg osman mmg gemo nyanyi lagu neh... maybe lagu tu ade sentimental value dalam idop dia kot...lagu zaman dia bcinte dulu gamaknyee..... heheheheh....
Adai (maen gitar) soh aku nyanyi lagu Dan Sebenarnya yang dipopularkan Yuna kannn....tapi masalahnye aku tak hapal lagu tu...so kene ar aku nyanyi sambil pegang lirik...ahakss...even pegang lirik pon...aku ngan memandainye nyanyi ikot lirik aku sendirik..."dan sebenarnya" aku gi sebot "yang sebenarnya"....sengal....
Nota kaki: ikotkan byk mende aku nak story...tapi mase tak mengizinkan...aku byk kije nehhh...neh pon aku curik2 mase jap....k ar...nak smbung wat keje dulu...sok orang uitm nak datang....mampuih klau aku tak siap keje....
Seperti bernapas dalam lumpo...
2 3 menjak yg amat membosankan....
Ermmm....seb ar keje aku neh bukan dalam opis jekk...ade gak wat xtvt ngan students...klau tak mati kutu gak aku....bebaru neh...Kosmo! Varsiti Futsal Peringkat Kolej Shahputra diadekan kat kolej...ade 4 kategori....so...juare setiap kategori akan ke Grand Final kat UKM, Bangi....
Makaaaaa....ari neh (8 Oktober 2009) kami akan btolak ke KL pas maghrib kang....Grand Final akan diadekan dari 9-11 Oktober 2009....well...cam biase...harapan aku & coach sekurang-kurangnya ade di antare 4 team kolej neh dapat tempat....klau sme team dapat tempat lagi bagossssssssssssssssss....leh makan beso....coach lanje...heheheh....(mampos pokai...ehee)
Kepade kengkawan especially geng2 Shahputra...doakan la kami ekkk....eheee...
hari ni...
ade panggilan yang wat aku gembire...
smua tu belom pasti...
tapi sikit sebanyak wat aku tsenyum...
bile gembire...mesti terbit rase sedih...
tu smua bile dee meluahkan rase...
aku tak leh tol ar....cepat nak nangeh...
hari ni...
tak leh sedih2....
kang gi futsal mate bengkak lak kang...
orang pelik lak nengok aku kang....ehee...
so...beh baek aku gi wat keje kat court....
nota kaki: neh bukan panton...atau gurindam...atau syair...atau yang sewaktu dengannyeeeeeeee....aku pon tak tau nape tetibe aku nak wat entry format cenggini....format cam sajak...tapi ayat ntah pa pe...huhuuhu...